The Secular Stories Project

We are collecting stories of secular recovery that we hope will become an OA publication.

We would love to make your story a part of the project!

Our purposes are:

  • To claim our space in OA and prove that secular recovery from compulsive eating is possible.

  • To show non-believers they are not alone and give them examples of how they can make the program work for them.

  • To help believers understand our perspective and that our goal is the same, we just use different ways toward it.

Want to tell your story?

Please start by reading the guidelines for submission, found here.

Send your story to

Personal data

Your story is anonymous, only signed by you if you want to.

We will only use your e-mail to contact you if editing is necessary, it will not be used for any other purpose.


Minor editing will be done by us, like correcting spelling, grammar and sentence structures.

If more editing is needed, like changing content not permitted by the guidelines or if more context is needed, we will contact you so you can edit the text yourself.

Want to do service by helping our project?

Please contact us at

Stories written so far:

As the project proceeds, we will publish finished stories here:*

  1. The power that keeps me abstinent

  2. Welcome Home

  3. Why I Sponsor

  4. Fitting in

  5. My life and food habits as a Humanist

  6. Can the steps work without GOD?

  7. Different strokes for Different folks

  8. Letting go, being an atheist in recovery

  9. Flying solo

  10. Road to recovery

  11. My story

  12. Defining abstinence and denial

  13. You are not alone - recovery circles

  14. Managing the worst conditions

  15. Authenticity in Recovery

  16. My story of finding Secular OA

  17. Exiting the vicious circle

  18. What I learned from my Sponsor

  19. My journey to Secular OA

  20. Long-Time Agnostic Recovery

  21. My journey in this thing called life

  22. My best self

  23. A Life-changer

  24. The Gift of Desperation

  25. The pieces I was missing

  26. BTW, turkey is NOT vegetarian

  27. A Freethinkers Journey of Recovery

  28. Finding serenity is a continuous journey

*The content reflects the experience, strength, and hope of our local members.
It is not OA Conference- or Board-approved and does not represent OA as a whole.